It’s been quite the wild ride 2021, and we’re left feeling a sense of relief and saying to ourselves “Phew, we made it. We survived.”
Here’s a look back at the year through Mustard coloured glasses.
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We’re celebrating our Instagram account reaching 100k! Yes, that’s one hundred thousand followers, that’s kinda a big deal if we may say so ourselves. We’re taking a moment to reflect on some of the numbers behind our colourful brand. Some you may know, some you may not! Let’s take a look…
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Our launch in the USA is almost upon us, it feels like we have blinked and it's already here. We know it is going to bring its challenges but we are taking our business to a whole new continent, that’s a pretty big deal! It has been a process, as it always is with any big business venture, so I wanted to share with you some of the story from behind the scenes. Something we have found super helpful is talking to people who have done it before us, learning from mistakes, soaking in all the advice our brains can...
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We are Becca + Jess. We are sisters. We are similar. We look similar (apparently, although we can't see it!) We have lots of the same mannerisms and catchphrases, we pick up on what one another says. We laugh at the same time and at the same things. We have similar tastes. We have goals that are aligned. But... we are also quite different.
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Do you already have a locker in your life? Struggling to pick the one for you or which one to add next? We're here to tell you more about the lockers you love to love!
Meet our family of beautiful, functional storage and accessories. We're going to tell you all about them, how they became part of our gang and the best uses for them! Read on for all of the organisation inspo you could ever need.
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As we creep over the finish line of the year that will forever be etched in our collective memory as 'the year of face masks and hand sanitiser', we wanted to take a deep breath and reflect on the last 12 months.
It's been a lot.
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It's hard to believe it's been two whole years since I quit my job and started working on Mustard full time. It's been a wild, bumpy ride that has stretched me in all directions. Let's take a look back at the highs, the lows and the twists along the way...
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There is no easy way to say this. The world as we know it has completely unravelled.
It sounds cliched but never has it been more accurate to say that we took so much for granted until now. Simply going to the shops to buy groceries feels like an extreme privilege. Never before have we considered whether or not we'd be able to buy pasta at the supermarket or counted down our toilet rolls like they were days before Christmas.
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To mark International Women's Day we wanted to put our money where our mouths are. It's great to speak out and share stories but along with that comes the responsibly to act. We decided to pay it forward to support others whose lives are full of untapped potential.
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Now seems like a just the right moment to get a little reflective. We've taken the last few weeks away from work (mostly) + there's nothing like a bit of space to reset + refocus. We've come along way in 12 months with a lot of hard work, tears, mistakes, wins + luck along the way.
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September marked one whole year since we launched Mustard in the UK so we threw ourselves a party!!
Being your own boss(es) means it's all too easy to let the days slip by without really stopping to see how far you've come, to actually reflect and maybe even to reward yourself for your hard work...
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The way The Midi and The Lowdown were brought into this world felt a bit more like a baby being born in the back the car on the way to hospital with heavy metal booming on the radio than a soothing water birth surrounded by candles and a chilled Spotify playlist.
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