Tidying is trending: we're on board!
We have an announcement to make: we've fallen in love! Not with lockers (that's a lifelong kinda love), not even with a new colour (although, stay tuned, and don't tell anyone we said that!) Our latest crush? It's an internet trend.
If you haven't noticed, the words 'ASMR cleaning' and 'home reset' are everywhere right now. While the KonMarie method might feel like a portal back to 2020 (no thank you), decluttering is still very much sparking joy. The #organisation corner of the internet has only gotten bigger and louder since we were all stuck at home making sourdough and reorganising our drawers.
But what exactly is it about tidying that gets us all hot under the collar? Even more niche, why do we love watching other people do it on our TikTok feeds?
We went straight to the source and asked two of our favourite content creators, Steph Kaluza of @ohsorented and Saraa Franco of @sareish. They shared their tips, decluttering insights and hacks for keeping things tidy consistently. Let us introduce you to your new favourite practice, the 'closing shift!'
tidy home, tidy mind
"There's something oddly satisfying and calming about watching a space transform," Saraa says of our obsession with cleaning content, "especially in ASMR style. We all crave that tidy, clean vibe – it just brings a sense of peace. Personally, when my space is clean and organised, my thoughts are clearer too!"
Steph agrees, adding "The statement 'tidy home, tidy mind' is definitely something I believe in! Cluttered and unorganised spaces make me feel more stressed, as well as making it a lot more difficult to focus on what I need to do that day."
avoiding overwhelm
So where to start? Saraa's go-to starting point is simple: clearing out the clutter. "Creating space is the ultimate starting point. We often hang on to things without purpose, and decluttering just makes the mess way less overwhelming."
While the decluttering videos online may make it look like it's all in a day's work, Steph suggests starting slow and tackling one thing at a time. "Instead of overwhelming yourself by trying to clean and organise your whole home at once, separate tasks that you can do on different days. You could do this by room or cleaning activity. You might clean your bedroom Monday, living room Wednesday, kitchen on Sunday. Or vacuum on Sundays, clean your glass and mirrors on Tuesdays, do the bathroom on Fridays." The key is to start somewhere and just keep chipping away. Need a plan of attack? We made you this cute decluttering checklist to help you tackle one thing a day!
hacks from the experts
Steph and Saraa are professionals when it comes to keeping their homes tidy and fabulous. Naturally, we wanted to know their secrets! "I call it the 'closing shift' at night," Saraa told us of her favourite hack. "I do the dishes, vacuum and tidy up before bed. Waking up to a clean space is incredibly satisfying. If I skip it and face a dirty kitchen in the morning, my mood's off all day. Nighttime cleaning is like a gift to my future self!" We love this mentality! Although, admittedly ours looks a little more like throwing everything into a locker and closing the door. A different kind of closing shift!
For Steph, it's a piece of equipment that makes the biggest difference. "Having a cordless vacuum with multiple attachments is a game-changer," she tells us. "When I don't have time to do a deep clean, going round my flat quickly with the vacuum makes such a difference!" Her other suggestion? "Tidying up after yourself straight away is a really good habit to have. If you let things build up over the week, it will become much more of a chore to have to do it all at once." We're taking notes, Steph.
because you're worth it
If you struggle with finding the motivation to start, Saraa has some words of wisdom that might just inspire you. "Cleaning and organising may take time," she says, "but it's an investment that pays off. Life becomes so much easier – you know where everything is, and it sets the stage for a more relaxed life. A tidy house equals more enjoyment for me." In the meantime, there's always a soothing cleaning video to watch, too!
Need some more inspiration? We've got plenty!
5 (simple!) steps to reset your home
Join our declutter challenge for a two week tidy!