Times are strange and we're all in need of some warm fuzzy feelings, some things to keep us (or our kids) busy and feeling inspired. We asked our little Mustard team to share the things keeping them going and bringing some joy right now. 5 things to create with Becca Making things is what makes me feel like me! It doesn’t have to be a huge project + it certainly doesn’t have to be perfect but making something that didn’t exist before always makes me smile. Here’s 5 ideas for things to keep you feeling creative. one. Embroidery kit These lovely kits will...
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A little over two months ago I started working here at Mustard and oh my goodness what a whirlwind it has been! I knew when I started it was the calm before the storm, it was the lead up to Christmas and it was a really lovely time to be able to settle into life at Mustard. Every day is different, but I am always kept busy! I thought it would be a nice idea to let you see a little of what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ at Mustard UK HQ, as I talk to lots of you every day and sometimes it’s good to put a face to a name!
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